
Cookies /

LAW/FIRM uses of cookies: small text files that are stored by your browser or smart device when you visit LAW/FIRM's website(s). The information stored therein can be sent back to our server the next time you visit.

LAW/FIRM uses the following cookies:

  • Functional cookies: cookies to ensure that the website works properly, to improve the usability of the website and to enhance the website experience;
  • Session cookies: these cookies are used to see which parts of the websites you have viewed during your visit.
  • Analytical cookies: analytical cookies are designed to collect statistics about visitors' use of the website.
  • Tracking cookies: these cookies are used to identify an Internet user on a website. The use of such cookies allows website pages to record visits and infer user preferences and interests.
  • Social media cookies: social media buttons on LAW/FIRM's website(s) contain links to specific social media pages and when such buttons are used, cookies are placed through this code without LAW/FIRM's control.

Most browsers allow users to reject all cookies. Refusing cookies may result in a non-functioning website.

LAW/FIRM reserves the right to modify this cookie policy from time to time by posting a new version on LAW/FIRM's website(s).
